Welcome to Saint Patrick Catholic Church

In the Roman Catholic tradition, the people of Saint Patrick Parish are called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by our words and actions through the celebration of the Sacraments, acts of justice and charity and life-long faith formation; the fruits of which are a welcoming faith-filled community bringing ourselves and others, through God’s grace, to salvation.

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Ministry Snapshot

The following are selection of our various ministries of how we are engaging the Wabash Valley.

Adoration Chapel

Spending time in meditation, prayer, and adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is an excellent opportunity to experience grace in our lives.

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Deanery School

St. Patrick School of the Terre Haute Deanery is one of the largest—if not the largest— ministries of the Terre Haute Deanery.

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Soup Kitchen

Volunteers prepare, serve and provide fellowship for those who are hungry. The Soup Kitchen is open Monday through Friday from 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM.


Franciscan Young Adult Ministry

FRAYAM is a community of young adults maneuvering through life to better hear and discern their call to holiness. Our community offers a life of social interaction, spiritual prayer and service in Terre Haute.

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Meet the Need

It is an association of congregations communicating, coordinating and cooperating in order to share resources to meet the needs of our community.


Religious Education

Opportunities for life-long faith learning including but not limited to: sacramental preparation for children and adults, Bible studies, parish retreats, Vacation Bible School, and much more.


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Sacramental Availability

The sacraments are Christ’s own gift that provide us with his grace.

Mass Schedule

Sunday 9:00 am
Tuesday 9:00 am
Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 6:00 pm
Friday 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am (Daily)
Saturday 6:00 pm (For Sunday mass obligation)

Communion Service

Monday through Friday at 7:15AM


Saturday after Mass
Sunday 8-8:30 AM

Adoration Chapel

Spending time in meditation, prayer, and adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is an excellent opportunity to experience grace in our lives. Availability: 24 hours a day.

Adoration and Reconciliation on Wednesday from 5-6 pm.