Rite of Christian Intiation for Adults (RCIA)

RCIA- The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process through which adults who are interested in learning about the Roman Catholic faith may be introduced to our practices and beliefs. This process includes time for prayer, instruction, discernment and formation. The process has several stages which may be taken at one’s own pace.
1st Stage:
1. The first stage generally begins in September as a period of inquiry. There is no commitment at this stage. A person can ask questions and check out what Catholics do and believe.
2nd Stage:
2. If a person wishes to continue onto the next stage, they undergo the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumenate, and express their desire to join the Catholic Church. A catechumenate is a person who is learning the basic faith and practices in order to become Catholic. At this stage, they seek a practicing Catholic adult as a sponsor who will help guide them through the process and answer questions.
3rd Stage:
3. If a person wishes to continue onto the next stage, they undergo the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumenate, and express their desire to join the Catholic Church. A catechumenate is a person who is learning the basic faith and practices in order to become Catholic. At this stage, they seek a practicing Catholic adult as a sponsor who will help guide them through the process and answer questions.
4th Stage:
4. This process culminates in the initiation! The celebration of the sacraments of initiation occurs during the Easter Vigil Mass. It includes baptism for those who have not yet been baptized, then confirmation and Eucharist for all the RCIA participants.
5th Stage:
5. The last stage, mystagogy, is a time of reflection, growing and learning. It is a time to live out the newly formed Catholic faith in the church community.
Currently, the RCIA sessions meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30PM-8:30 PM. If you are interested in learning more about the RCIA process, please contact the parish office.